| | | |
Offset 119, 2788 lines modified | Offset 119, 1671 lines modified |
119 | ··[···584]··binaryfunc | 119 | ··[···584]··binaryfunc |
120 | ··[···58f]··nb_int | 120 | ··[···58f]··nb_int |
121 | ··[···596]··unsigned·char | 121 | ··[···596]··unsigned·char |
122 | ··[···5a4]··GNU·C17·14.2.0·-m64·-march=core2·-mtune=core2·-mfpmath=sse·-msse·-msse2·-msse3·-g·-g·-g·-g·-O2·-O3·-O2·-O2·-O2·-fstack-protector-strong·-fno-strict-overflow·-fPIC | 122 | ··[···5a4]··GNU·C17·14.2.0·-m64·-march=core2·-mtune=core2·-mfpmath=sse·-msse·-msse2·-msse3·-g·-g·-g·-g·-O2·-O3·-O2·-O2·-O2·-fstack-protector-strong·-fno-strict-overflow·-fPIC |
123 | ··[···647]··nb_matrix_multiply | 123 | ··[···647]··nb_matrix_multiply |
124 | ··[···65a]··nb_inplace_lshift | 124 | ··[···65a]··nb_inplace_lshift |
Diff chunk too large, falling back to line-by-line diff (1663 lines added, 2780 lines removed) |
125 | ··[···66c]··short·int | 125 | ··[···66c]··short·int |
126 | ··[···676]··tp_alloc | 126 | ··[···676]··info |
127 | ··[···67f]··nb_divmod | 127 | ··[···67b]··tp_alloc |
128 | ··[···689]··tp_as_sequence | 128 | ··[···684]··nb_divmod |
129 | ··[···698]··tp_new | 129 | ··[···68e]··tp_as_sequence |
130 | ··[···69f]··ob_size | 130 | ··[···69d]··tp_new |
131 | ··[···6a7]··mp_subscript | 131 | ··[···6a4]··ob_size |
132 | ··[···6b4]··format | 132 | ··[···6ac]··mp_subscript |
133 | ··[···6bb]··traverseproc | 133 | ··[···6b9]··format |
134 | ··[···6c8]··__stack_chk_fail | 134 | ··[···6c0]··traverseproc |
135 | ··[···6d9]··tp_version_tag | 135 | ··[···6cd]··__stack_chk_fail |
136 | ··[···6e8]··tp_repr | 136 | ··[···6de]··tp_version_tag |
137 | ··[···6f0]··nb_add | 137 | ··[···6ed]··tp_repr |
138 | ··[···6f7]··setattrfunc | 138 | ··[···6f5]··nb_add |
139 | ··[···703]··tp_vectorcall_offset | 139 | ··[···6fc]··setattrfunc |
140 | ··[···718]··tp_str | 140 | ··[···708]··tp_vectorcall_offset |
141 | ··[···71f]··sq_contains | 141 | ··[···71d]··tp_str |
142 | ··[···72b]··tp_getattro | 142 | ··[···724]··sq_contains |
143 | ··[···737]··destructor | 143 | ··[···730]··tp_getattro |
144 | ··[···742]··__uint16_t | 144 | ··[···73c]··destructor |
145 | ··[···74d]··tp_versions_used | 145 | ··[···747]··__uint16_t |
146 | ··[···75e]··tp_flags | 146 | ··[···752]··tp_versions_used |
147 | ··[···767]··reprfunc | 147 | ··[···763]··tp_flags |
148 | ··[···770]··nb_inplace_floor_divide | 148 | ··[···76c]··reprfunc |
149 | ··[···788]··nb_and | 149 | ··[···775]··nb_inplace_floor_divide |
150 | ··[···78f]··PyCFunction | 150 | ··[···78d]··nb_and |
151 | ··[···79b]··nb_inplace_or | 151 | ··[···794]··PyCFunction |
152 | ··[···7a9]··ml_doc | 152 | ··[···7a0]··nb_inplace_or |
153 | ··[···7b0]··nb_power | 153 | ··[···7ae]··ml_doc |
154 | ··[···7b9]··ternaryfunc | 154 | ··[···7b5]··nb_power |
155 | ··[···7c5]··tp_setattro | 155 | ··[···7be]··ternaryfunc |
156 | ··[···7d1]··sq_inplace_repeat | 156 | ··[···7ca]··tp_setattro |
157 | ··[···7e3]··tp_itemsize | 157 | ··[···7d6]··sq_inplace_repeat |
158 | ··[···7ef]··Py_hash_t | 158 | ··[···7e8]··tp_itemsize |
159 | ··[···7f9]··tp_dealloc | 159 | ··[···7f4]··Py_hash_t |
160 | ··[···804]··PyGILState_UNLOCKED | 160 | ··[···7fe]··tp_dealloc |
161 | ··[···818]··tp_clear | 161 | ··[···809]··PyGILState_UNLOCKED |
162 | ··[···821]··tp_cache | 162 | ··[···81d]··tp_clear |
163 | ··[···82a]··tp_basicsize | 163 | ··[···826]··tp_cache |
164 | ··[···837]··PyOS_snprintf | 164 | ··[···82f]··tp_basicsize |
165 | ··[···845]··am_aiter | 165 | ··[···83c]··PyOS_snprintf |
166 | ··[···84e]··Py_ssize_t | 166 | ··[···84a]··am_aiter |
167 | ··[···859]··nb_inplace_and | 167 | ··[···853]··Py_ssize_t |
168 | ··[···868]··nb_inplace_xor | 168 | ··[···85e]··nb_inplace_and |
169 | ··[···877]··richcmpfunc | 169 | ··[···86d]··nb_inplace_xor |
170 | ··[···883]··mp_length | 170 | ··[···87c]··richcmpfunc |
171 | ··[···88d]··nb_negative | 171 | ··[···888]··mp_length |
172 | ··[···899]··nb_invert | 172 | ··[···892]··nb_negative |
173 | ··[···8a3]··nb_true_divide | 173 | ··[···89e]··nb_invert |
174 | ··[···8b2]··visitproc | 174 | ··[···8a8]··nb_true_divide |
175 | ··[···8bc]··nb_remainder | 175 | ··[···8b7]··visitproc |
176 | ··[···8c9]··nb_subtract | 176 | ··[···8c1]··nb_remainder |
177 | ··[···8d5]··tp_getset | 177 | ··[···8ce]··nb_subtract |
178 | ··[···8df]··nb_lshift | 178 | ··[···8da]··tp_getset |
179 | ··[···8e9]··nb_index | 179 | ··[···8e4]··nb_lshift |
180 | ··[···8f2]··tp_bases | 180 | ··[···8ee]··nb_index |
181 | ··[···8fb]··allocfunc | 181 | ··[···8f7]··tp_bases |
182 | ··[···905]··PyErr_SetString | 182 | ··[···900]··allocfunc |
183 | ··[···915]··objobjproc | 183 | ··[···90a]··PyErr_SetString |
184 | ··[···920]··xerbla_ | 184 | ··[···91a]··objobjproc |
185 | ··[···928]··tp_weaklistoffset | 185 | ··[···925]··xerbla_ |
186 | ··[···93a]··getbufferproc | 186 | ··[···92d]··tp_weaklistoffset |
187 | ··[···948]··tp_as_buffer | 187 | ··[···93f]··getbufferproc |
188 | ··[···955]··__int128·unsigned | 188 | ··[···94d]··tp_as_buffer |
189 | ··[···967]··suboffsets | 189 | ··[···95a]··__int128·unsigned |
190 | ··[···972]··tp_finalize | 190 | ··[···96c]··suboffsets |
191 | ··[···97e]··nb_or | 191 | ··[···977]··tp_finalize |
192 | ··[···984]··tp_weaklist | 192 | ··[···983]··nb_or |
193 | ··[···990]··ob_refcnt | 193 | ··[···989]··tp_weaklist |
194 | ··[···99a]··bf_getbuffer | 194 | ··[···995]··ob_refcnt |
195 | ··[···9a7]··lendm1 | 195 | ··[···99f]··bf_getbuffer |
196 | ··[···9ae]··zrot_ | 196 | ··[···9ac]··L150 |
197 | ··[···9b4]··c_n1 | 197 | ··[···9b1]··subnam |
198 | ··[···9b9]··d__10 | 198 | ··[···9b8]··ispec |
199 | ··[···9bf]··zdrot_ | 199 | ··[···9be]··integer |
200 | ··[···9c6]··mnthr | 200 | ··[···9c6]··ilaclc_ |
201 | ··[···9cc]··safmax | 201 | ··[···9ce]··numpy_lapack_lite_s_copy |
202 | ··[···9d3]··d__2 | 202 | ··[···9e7]··ret_val |
203 | ··[···9d8]··d__4 | 203 | ··[···9ef]··ilazlr_ |
204 | ··[···9dd]··d__5 | 204 | ··[···9f7]··ftnlen |
205 | ··[···9e2]··numpy_lapack_lite_d_cnjg | 205 | ··[···9fe]··opts |
206 | ··[···9fb]··dlaed9_ | 206 | ··[···a03]··ilaclr_ |
207 | ··[···a03]··zungl2_ | 207 | ··[···a0b]··L120 |
208 | ··[···a0b]··ldwrkr | 208 | ··[···a10]··c_b172 |
209 | ··[···a12]··ldwrku | 209 | ··[···a17]··c_b173 |
210 | ··[···a19]··ldwrkx | 210 | ··[···a1e]··neginf |
211 | ··[···a20]··ldwrky | 211 | ··[···a25]··r__1 |
212 | ··[···a27]··poles_offset | 212 | ··[···a2a]··name_len |
213 | ··[···a34]··difr_offset | 213 | ··[···a33]··L160 |
214 | ··[···a40]··vect | 214 | ··[···a38]··a_dim1 |
215 | ··[···a45]··vl_offset | 215 | ··[···a3f]··ilaslc_ |
216 | ··[···a4f]··ztrtri_ | 216 | ··[···a47]··name__ |
217 | ··[···a57]··jobvl | 217 | ··[···a4e]··i__2 |
218 | ··[···a5d]··jobvr | 218 | ··[···a53]··i__1 |
219 | ··[···a63]··bxst | 219 | ··[···a58]··ilaslr_ |
220 | ··[···a68]··jreal | 220 | ··[···a60]··iladlc_ |
221 | ··[···a6e]··bothv | 221 | ··[···a68]··iladlr_ |
222 | ··[···a74]··ilaenv_ | 222 | ··[···a70]··nan3 |
223 | ··[···a7c]··iscale | 223 | ··[···a75]··nan4 |
224 | ··[···a83]··zunglq_ | 224 | ··[···a7a]··nan5 |
225 | ··[···a8b]··dlaeda_ | 225 | ··[···a7f]··nan6 |
226 | ··[···a93]··done | 226 | ··[···a84]··cname |
227 | ··[···a98]··c_b56 | 227 | ··[···a8a]··logical |
228 | ··[···a9e]··c_b57 | 228 | ··[···a92]··ilaenv_ |
229 | ··[···aa4]··icompq | 229 | ··[···a9a]··newzro |
230 | ··[···aab]··cto1 | 230 | ··[···aa1]··a_offset |
231 | ··[···ab0]··icompz | 231 | ··[···aaa]··iparmq_ |
232 | ··[···ab7]··bnrm | 232 | ··[···ab2]··opts_len |
233 | ··[···abc]··imax | 233 | ··[···abb]··sname |
234 | ··[···ac1]··zdotu_ | 234 | ··[···ac1]··numpy_lapack_lite_i_nint |
235 | ··[···ac8]··indwk2 | 235 | ··[···ada]··ilazlc_ |
236 | ··[···acf]··smm1 | 236 | ··[···ae2]··L100 |
237 | ··[···ad4]··qsiz | 237 | ··[···ae7]··L130 |
238 | ··[···ad9]··ctoc | 238 | ··[···aec]··numpy_lapack_lite_s_cmp |
239 | ··[···ade]··igivcl | 239 | ··[···b04]··L140 |
240 | ··[···ae5]··liwmin | 240 | ··[···b09]··lwork |
241 | ··[···aec]··nwupbd | 241 | ··[···b0f]··ieeeck_ |
242 | ··[···af3]··rcnd | 242 | ··[···b17]··nbmin |
243 | ··[···af8]··givnum | 243 | ··[···b1d]··c__0 |
244 | ··[···aff]··ldgnum | 244 | ··[···b22]··c__1 |
Max report size reached; 0/115102 bytes (0.00%) of diff not shown.